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Podar Pageant 2020

Theme : Alohomora

When more than half of the world was waiting behind closed doors, we urged everyone to
open a door that may have been long shut even before the pandemic: a door to our inner
voices. From new found interests to old forgotten hobbies, all of us rediscovered the joy of
connecting with our inner selves.
Each of us has the power to cast the ‘Alohomora’ charm on ourselves, opening our minds to
new ideas and letting the creative juices flow. This is what the theme ‘Alohomora’ represents
- unlocking minds and unleashing creativity, giving a name and a chance to this inner
liberation. In reality, there are not one, but many closed doors in our minds and none of us
have to really wait for a perfect time to cast the Alohomora charm.


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